About us

Heritage Hive

The centralized market place
for black businesses.

Heritage Hive is a service of Heritage production. Here at Heritage, we have a deep background expertise in Marketing, Design, and Technology and our goal for Heritage Hive is to use our skills and platform to help local black businesses and shoppers connect by providing a centralized hub. Our mission is to encourage unity and fellowship amongst the afro-community especially in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. We are always seeking to connect with new creative talents and business owners, with the aim of leveraging our network and expertise to fill the needs of our clients and our community.

Why is a black business hub essential
especially for milwaukee

Black-owned businesses are essential for the economic development and social fabric of Milwaukee for several reasons:

  1. Economic Impact: Black-owned businesses contribute significantly to the economy by creating jobs and generating revenue. Despite being underrepresented in terms of ownership compared to their population size, Black business owners employed more than 1.32 million people and added $1.7 billion in aggregate payroll to the U.S. economy between 2019 and 2020.

  2. Community Development: Black-owned businesses often serve as anchors in their communities, providing essential goods and services, and contributing to the local economy. Organizations like the Grow Milwaukee Coalition, which was selected for a $190 million investment, are examples of initiatives aimed at spurring the growth of Black-owned businesses.

  3. Representation and Diversity: Less than 2% of businesses in the Milwaukee area are Black-owned, but they are making an indelible mark in the city across various industries. Supporting these businesses helps to ensure a diverse and representative business community.

  4. Wealth Creation: Supporting Black and Brown businesses is a pathway to wealth creation within these communities. Efforts to grow these businesses with the help of federal, state, and philanthropic dollars are underway, which can help address economic disparities.

  5. Cultural Preservation and Promotion: Black-owned businesses in Milwaukee, such as those listed on MKE Black and Heritage Hive play a crucial role in promoting and preserving Black culture, history, and arts in the region.

  6. Social Equity: Black-owned businesses tend to create more opportunities for people of color and contribute to building more equitable regional economies

  7. Resilience and Recovery: Black-owned businesses in Milwaukee have shown resilience, especially in the face of challenges such as the pandemic. However, they have been highly impacted in declining metro areas, representing a significant percentage of the loss in regional businesses, which underscores the need for targeted support.

In summary, Black-owned businesses are needed in Milwaukee to drive economic growth, foster community development, enhance diversity, create wealth, preserve culture, promote social equity, and contribute to the resilience and recovery of the local economy